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筆數: /頁
1 Committee on Trade and Development - Calendar of CTD meetings in 2024 - Revision Committee on Trade and Development2024/07/12WT/COMTD/W/287/Rev.2 111
2 Committee on Trade and Development - Dedicated session on preferential trade arrangements - Status of the work of the dedicated session - Status of the preparation of factual presentations - Report by the Chairman Committee on Trade and Development2024/07/04WT/COMTD/PTA/W/13 68
3 Committee on Trade and Development - Dedicated session on regional trade agreements - Status of the work of the dedicated session - Status of the preparation of factual presentations - Report by the Chairman Committee on Trade and Development2024/07/04WT/COMTD/RTA/W/20 90
4 Committee on Trade and Development - Dedicated session on small economies - Implementation of the MC13 Decision on the Work Programme on Small Economies Guatemala 2024/07/02WT/COMTD/SE/W/48 94
5 Committee on Trade and Development - Aid for Trade - Negotiating Group on Rules - WTO global review of aid for trade - Communication on fisheries subsidies Committee on Trade and Development, Negotiating Group on Rules 2024/06/26TN/RL/GEN/206, WT/COMTD/AFT/1 151
6 Committee on Trade and Development - Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Comprehensive economic partnership agreement between India and the United Arab Emirates (goods and services) - Questions and replies India and the United Arab Emirates2024/06/19WT/COMTD/RTA24/2, WT/REG475/2 148
7 Committee on Trade and Development - Generalized system of preferences - Notification by Canada - Addendum Canada 2024/06/19WT/COMTD/N/15/Add.4 74
8 Committee on Trade and Development - Institute for training and technical cooperation - WTO technical assistance - Annual Report 2023 Committee on Trade and Development 2024/06/03WT/COMTD/W/290 95
9 Committee on Trade and Development - Participation of developing economies in the global trading system - Note by the Secretariat - Corrigendum WTO Secretariat2024/05/31WT/COMTD/W/289/Corr.1 88
10 General Council - Committee on Trade and Development - Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights - Committee on Trade and Environment - Working Group on Trade and Transfer of Technology - Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures - Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures - Policy Space for industrial development - Advancing WTO committee work to support structural transformation and industrial development in developing countries - Communication from the African Group The African Group 2024/05/14G/SCM/W/593, G/TRIMS/W/176, IP/C/W/713, WT/COMTD/W/291, WT/CTE/W/261, WT/GC/W/936, WT/WGTTT/W/37 645