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1 延伸生產者責任與WTO的關係 蕭安瑾輔佐研究員2014/01/14 6433
2 美國提出立場文件,期望環保商品定義達成共識 蕭安瑾2006/03/10 1129
3 Committee on Trade and Environment - Special Session - Environmental Goods - Submission by New Zealand - Paragraph 31 (iii) New Zealand2005/07/22 1116
4 Committee on Trade and Environment - Special Session - An Alternative Approach for Negotiations under Paragraph 31(iii) - Submission by India India2005/06/03TN/TE/W/511160
5 【貿易與環境專題報導】(下)爭論不休的環保商品清單 中華經濟研究院 台灣WTO中心 輔佐研究員 王振瑜2005/05/30 2266
6 Committee on Trade and Environment - Special Session - Environmental Goods - Submission by New Zealand - Paragraph 31 (iii) New Zealand2005/05/26TN/TE/W/491242
7 【貿易與環境專題報導】(上) 杜哈談判現況:WTO與多邊環境協定之關係 中華經濟研究院台灣WTO中心 王振瑜輔佐研究員2005/05/24 1557
8 【貿易與環境專題報導】(中)貿易與環境的衝突:蝦與海龜案評析 中華經濟研究院 台灣WTO中心 輔佐研究員 王振瑜2005/05/24 6453
9 Committee on Trade and Environment - Special Session - Proposed Initial List of Environmental Goods Submitted by the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu - Paragraph 31(iii) Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu2005/05/13 1113
10 Committee on Trade and Environment - Addressing the Concerns of Developing Countries on the Effects of Environmental Measures on Market Access - Submission by the European Communities under Paragraph 32(i) European Communities2005/05/11 1123