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1 Committee on Trade and Environment - Perspectives on LDC environment - Friendly trade and trade-related climate challenges - Communication from Djibouti on behalf of Least Developed Countries (LDCs) Djibouti 2025/02/06WT/CTE/W/266 94
2 Council for Trade in Goods - Committee on Customs Valuation - Committee on Import Licensing - Committee on Market Access - Committee on Rules of Origin - Committee on Trade and Development - Committee on Trade and Environment - Committee on Trade Facilitation - Functioning of WTO Bodies - Administrative Processes to Enhance Clarity and Accessibility of Information - Communication from Barbados, Colombia, India, Grenada, Paraguay, Singapore, Saint Kitts and Nevis, the United Kingdom, and Uruguay Barbados, Colombia, India, Grenada, Paraguay, Singapore, Saint Kitts and Nevis, the United Kingdom, and Uruguay2024/12/20G/C/W/858, G/LIC/W/63, G/MA/W/188, G/RO/W/234, G/TFA/W/104, G/VAL/W/393, WT/COMTD/W/297, WT/CTE/W/265 1013
3 Committee on Trade and Environment - Report 2024 Committee on Trade and Environment2024/12/13WT/CTE/31 137
4 General Council - Council for Trade in Goods - Committee on Trade and Environment - Future rules of trade in plastic products and the WTO : potential conflict - Communication from the Russian Federation Russian Federation2024/11/14JOB/CTG/58, JOB/GC/416, JOB/TE/91 663
5 西方國家成立礦物安全夥伴關係融資網絡之觀察 中華經濟研究院WTO及RTA中心 江文基 助研究員2024/10/16WTOepaper8311807
6 Committee on Trade and Environment - Trade-related climate measures - Thematic discussion, 10 October 2024 - Informal factual background note by the WTO Secretariat - Revision WTO Secretariat2024/10/04JOB/TE/89/Rev.1 178
7 Committee on Trade and Environment - Addressing trade-related climate measures at the WTO - Communication from Japan Japan 2024/09/25WT/CTE/W/264 290
8 Committee on Trade and Environment - Trade-related climate measures - Thematic discussion, 10 October 2024 - Informal factual background note by the WTO Secretariat WTO Secretariat2024/09/16JOB/TE/89 194
9 中國大陸貿易政策檢討之觀察 中華經濟研究院WTO及RTA中心 李宜靜 分析師2024/07/31WTOepaper8264558
10 2024年6月IPEF部長級會議重要進展 中華經濟研究院WTO及RTA中心 羅絜 計畫助理2024/07/16WTOepaper8253906