Committee on Trade and Environment - Perspectives on LDC environment - Friendly trade and trade-related climate challenges - Communication from Djibouti on behalf of Least Developed Countries (LDCs)
| Djibouti | 2025/02/06 | WT/CTE/W/266 | 93 |
Council for Trade in Goods - Committee on Customs Valuation - Committee on Import Licensing - Committee on Market Access - Committee on Rules of Origin - Committee on Trade and Development - Committee on Trade and Environment - Committee on Trade Facilitation - Functioning of WTO Bodies - Administrative Processes to Enhance Clarity and Accessibility of Information - Communication from Barbados, Colombia, India, Grenada, Paraguay, Singapore, Saint Kitts and Nevis, the United Kingdom, and Uruguay
| Barbados, Colombia, India, Grenada, Paraguay, Singapore, Saint Kitts and Nevis, the United Kingdom, and Uruguay | 2024/12/20 | G/C/W/858, G/LIC/W/63, G/MA/W/188, G/RO/W/234, G/TFA/W/104, G/VAL/W/393, WT/COMTD/W/297, WT/CTE/W/265 | 1013 |
Committee on Trade and Environment - Report 2024
| Committee on Trade and Environment | 2024/12/13 | WT/CTE/31 | 137 |
General Council - Council for Trade in Goods - Committee on Trade and Environment - Future rules of trade in plastic products and the WTO : potential conflict - Communication from the Russian Federation
| Russian Federation | 2024/11/14 | JOB/CTG/58, JOB/GC/416, JOB/TE/91 | 663 |
Committee on Trade and Environment - Trade-related climate measures - Thematic discussion, 10 October 2024 - Informal factual background note by the WTO Secretariat - Revision
| WTO Secretariat | 2024/10/04 | JOB/TE/89/Rev.1 | 178 |
Committee on Trade and Environment - Addressing trade-related climate measures at the WTO - Communication from Japan
| Japan | 2024/09/25 | WT/CTE/W/264 | 290 |
Committee on Trade and Environment - Trade-related climate measures - Thematic discussion, 10 October 2024 - Informal factual background note by the WTO Secretariat
| WTO Secretariat | 2024/09/16 | JOB/TE/89 | 193 |
Committee on Trade and Environment - Advancing multilateral discussions on trade-related climate measures - Communication from China
| China | 2024/06/07 | WT/CTE/W/263 | 495 |
General Council - Committee on Agriculture - Committee on Trade and Environment - Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures - Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Dialogue on sustainable agriculture in the multilateral trading system - Communication from Brazil
| Brazil | 2024/06/05 | G/AG/W/248, G/SPS/W/368, G/TBT/W/816, WT/CTE/W/262, WT/GC/W/938 | 1342 |
General Council - Committee on Trade and Development - Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights - Committee on Trade and Environment - Working Group on Trade and Transfer of Technology - Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures - Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures - Policy Space for industrial development - Advancing WTO committee work to support structural transformation and industrial development in developing countries - Communication from the African Group
| The African Group | 2024/05/14 | G/SCM/W/593, G/TRIMS/W/176, IP/C/W/713, WT/COMTD/W/291, WT/CTE/W/261, WT/GC/W/936, WT/WGTTT/W/37 | 1644 |