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1 Modifications to Appendix I of the Agreement on Government Procurement Proposed by Japan in GPA/W/272, GPA/W/273, GPA/W/274, GPA/W/275 and GPA/W/276 - Communication fro[...] from the European Communities European Communities2005/11/28 1047
2 Notification from the Republic of Korea under Article XXIV:6 of the Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA/W/250) - Communication from the United States United States2005/11/07 1164
3 Committee on Government Procurement - Proposed Modifications to Appendix I of Japan - Communication from Japan Pursuant to Article XXIV:6(a) of the GPA Japan2005/11/07 1056
4 Committee on Government Procurement - Proposed Modifications to Appendices I, II and IV of the European Communities - Communication from the European Communities pursuant to Article XXIV:6(a) of the GPA WTO Secretariat2005/11/07 1194
5 Committee on Government Procurement - The Republic of Korea's Proposed Withdrawal of Kookmin Bank from Annex 3 of Appendix I of the Agreement - Communication from the United States United States2005/11/07 1060
6 Committee on Government Procurement - Proposed Modifications to Appendices I, II and IV of the European Communities - Communication from the European Communities pursuant to Article XXIV:6(a) of the GPA - Addendum the European Communities2005/11/07 1093
7 Committee on Government Procurement - Proposed Modifications to Appendix I of Japan - Communication from Japan Pursuant to Article XXIV:6(a) of the GPA Japan2005/11/07 1053
8 Committee on Government Procurement - Notification from the Republic of Korea under Article XXIV:6 of the Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA/W/250) - Communication from the European Community the European Community2005/11/07 1086
9 Committee on Government Procurement - Proposed Modifications to Appendix I of Japan - Communication from Japan Pursuant to Article XXIV:6(a) of the GPA Japan2005/11/07 1137
10 Korea's Proposed Withdrawal of Korea Tobacco & Ginseng Corporation and Daehan Printing and Publishing Co., Ltd (GPA/W/250) - Communication from the United States United States2005/11/07 1113