Notification from the Republic of Korea under Article XXIV:6 of the Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA/W/250) - Communication from the United States
- United States
- 2005/11/07
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World Trade
Organization RESTRICTED GPA/W/258
19 March 2003 (03-1597) Committee on Government Procurement Original: English
Notification from the Republic of Korea under Article XXIV:6
of the Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA/W/250)
Communication from the United States
The following communication, dated 15 March 2003, has been received from the Permanent Mission of the United States with the request that it be circulated to the Committee on Government Procurement.
The Republic of Korea has notified three proposed modifications to Annex 3 of Appendix I of the Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA). This notification was circulated by the Secretariat on 17 February 2003 (GPA/W/250), providing 30 days for other Parties to object prior to the modifications becoming effective.
The United States has no objection to the proposed deletion of the Housing & Commercial Bank, based on its merger with the Kookmin Bank, whi