Committee on Government Procurement - Proposed Modifications to Appendices I, II and IV of the European Communities - Communication from the European Communities pursuant to Article XXIV:6(a) of the GPA
- WTO Secretariat
- 2005/11/07
- 已被閱讀 1195次
GPA/MOD/EEC/1World Trade
26 March 2004
(04-1388) Committee on Government Procurement Original: English/ French/ Spanish
proposed modifications to appendices i, II and IV of the european communities
Communication from the European Communities pursuant to Article XXIV:6(a) of the GPA
The following communication, dated 22 March 2004, from the Delegation of the European Communities is being circulated to the Parties to the Agreement on Government Procurement.
This item will be proposed for inclusion on the agenda of the next meeting of the Committee on Government Procurement on 23 April 2004.
The Secretariat has been informed by the Delegation of the European Communities that the only changes resulting from this proposed modification are those referred to in the "Explanatory note" contained in its cover note to the notification. Since the proposal is only for material to be added to that already in the Euro