Committee on Government Procurement - Proposed Modifications to Appendix I of Japan - Communication from Japan Pursuant to Article XXIV:6(a) of the GPA
- Japan
- 2005/11/07
- 已被閱讀 1057次
GPA/MOD/JPN/2World Trade
15 March 2004
(04-1130) Committee on Government Procurement Original: English
proposed modifications to appendix i of japan
Communication from Japan pursuant to Article XXIV:6(a) of the GPA
The following communication, dated 12 March 2004, from the Delegation of Japan is being circulated to the Parties to the Agreement on Government Procurement.
Pursuant to Article XXIV, paragraph 6(a) of the Agreement on Government Procurement, the Government of Japan wishes to notify the Committee on Government Procurement of the following modification of a purely formal nature relating to Annex 3 of Appendix I of the Agreement on Government Procurement:
- Delete "Labour Welfare Corporation" from "List of Entities" and "List of Entities which procure the services, specified in Annex 4".
- Add "Japan Labour Health and Welfare Organization" to "List of Entities" and "List of E