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1 韓國與泰國經濟夥伴關係協議(EPA)談判正式啟動 李明勳2024/07/16WTOepaper825262
2 Council for Trade in Services - Notification pursuant to article III:3 of the General Agreement on Trade in Services - Philippines Philippines 2024/07/15S/C/N/1168 37
3 Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Council for Trade in Services - Notification of regional trade agreement - Ukraine and Canada Ukraine and Canada 2024/07/15S/C/N/1169, WT/REG486/N/1 51
4 美國發布《非洲成長暨機會法案》實施報告 蔡心遠2024/07/03WTOepaper824307
5 OECD研究報告指出表示數位貿易的障礙問題日益嚴重 楊尚博2024/07/03WTOepaper824378
6 Council for Trade in Services - Compilation of unanswered questions raised for the review of article II (MFN) exemptions - Note by the Secretariat - Revision WTO Secretariat2024/06/28S/C/W/453/Rev.1 29
7 Council for Trade in Services - Notification pursuant to article III:3 of the General Agreement on Trade in Services - Ukraine Ukraine 2024/06/04S/C/N/1167 64
8 Trade in Services - Termination of the procedures under Article XXI of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) - Communication from the Secretariat WTO Director-General2024/05/27S/L/547 86
9 Trade in Services - Canada - Schedule of Specific Commitments - Supplement 5 Canada 2024/05/22GATS/SC/16/Suppl.5 75
10 Trade in Services - Certification of specific commitments - Canada - Communication from the Secretariat WTO Secretariat2024/05/21S/L/546 78