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1 中國大陸貿易政策檢討之觀察 中華經濟研究院WTO及RTA中心 李宜靜 分析師2024/07/31WTOepaper826956
2 2024年6月IPEF部長級會議重要進展 中華經濟研究院WTO及RTA中心 羅絜 計畫助理2024/07/16WTOepaper8251334
3 Committee on Trade and Environment - Advancing multilateral discussions on trade-related climate measures - Communication from China China2024/06/07WT/CTE/W/263 129
4 General Council - Committee on Agriculture - Committee on Trade and Environment - Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures - Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Dialogue on sustainable agriculture in the multilateral trading system - Communication from Brazil Brazil 2024/06/05G/AG/W/248, G/SPS/W/368, G/TBT/W/816, WT/CTE/W/262, WT/GC/W/938 491
5 General Council - Committee on Trade and Development - Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights - Committee on Trade and Environment - Working Group on Trade and Transfer of Technology - Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures - Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures - Policy Space for industrial development - Advancing WTO committee work to support structural transformation and industrial development in developing countries - Communication from the African Group The African Group 2024/05/14G/SCM/W/593, G/TRIMS/W/176, IP/C/W/713, WT/COMTD/W/291, WT/CTE/W/261, WT/GC/W/936, WT/WGTTT/W/37 646
6 Committee on Trade and Environment - Waste shipments - Communication from the European Union European Union2024/05/13WT/CTE/GEN/34 128
7 日本和東協在綠色能源之合作進展與戰略思維 中華經濟研究院WTO及RTA中心 鐘雲曦副分析師、梁敬偉輔佐研究員2024/04/24WTOepaper8191964
8 Committee on Trade and Environment - Council for Trade in Goods - Understanding the opportunities and challenges of the green transition : coherence and interoperability of trade-related climate measures - Communication from the United States United States2024/04/04G/C/W/843, WT/CTE/W/260 269
9 Committee on Trade and Environment - Environmental Database for 2022 - Note by the Secretariat WTO Secretariat2024/03/14WT/CTE/EDB/22 188
10 Committee on Trade and Environment - A Proposal for dedicated multilateral discussions on the trade aspects and implications of certain environmental measures - Communication from Samoa on behalf of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) Samoa 2024/02/09WT/CTE/W/259 159