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1 Trade Negotiations Committee - General Council - 23 - 24 October 2023 - Senior Officials meeting - Chairpersons' summary and oral reports by the facilitators - Revision The Facilitators2023/10/28TN/C/22/Rev.1, WT/GC/259/Rev.1 524
2 Trade Negotiations Committee - General Council - Senior Officials meeting - 23 - 24 October 2023 - Chairpersons' summary - Chairpersons: Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, WTO Director-General and TNC Chairperson, and H.E. Dr. Athaliah Lesiba Molokomme (Botswana), General Council Chairperson Trade Negotiations Committee, General Council2023/10/24TN/C/22, WT/GC/259 497
3 General Council - Trade Negotiations Committee - Senior Officials meeting - 23 - 24 October 2023 - Logistical note General Council, Trade Negotiations Committee 2023/10/17JOB/GC/361, JOB/TNC/116 601
4 WTO將於十月舉行資深官員會議決定MC 13討論議題 劉真妤2023/07/26WTOepaper8012351
5 概覽WTO新發布的漁業補貼草案 黃哲融2021/11/11WTOepaper7571133
6 Trade Negotiations Committee - Virtual formal Trade Negotiations Committee meeting at ministerial level on fisheries subsidies - Thursday, 15 July 2021 - Closing statement by Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala - WTO Director-General and Chairperson of the Trade Negotiations Committee - Summary by Ambassador Santiago Wills, Chair of the Negotiating Group on Rules Trade Negotiations Committee 2021/07/16JOB/TNC/95 594
7 Trade Negotiations Committee - Virtual formal meeting at Ministerial level on fisheries subsidies - Thursday, 15 July 2021 - Opening Statement by Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, WTO Director-General and Chairperson of the Trade Negotiations Committee Trade Negotiations Committee2021/07/15JOB/TNC/94 599
8 Trade Negotiations Committee - 3 May 2021 - Proposed agenda Trade Negotiations Committee2021/04/29TN/C/W/77 603
9 Trade Negotiations Committee - 20 July 2020 - Proposed agenda Trade Negotiations Committee2020/07/17TN/C/W/76 663
10 General Council - Trade Negotiations Committee - African Group statement on the implications of COVID-19 General Council 2020/06/25TN/C/20, WT/GC/219 741