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1 加拿大敞開大門接收自美國出走的亞洲科技人才 劉真妤2020/07/09WTOepaper6981106
2 【轉載】試析社群網路於GATS下之分類 國立政治大學國際經貿組織暨法律研究中心 張騰元2020/05/20WTOepaper6922583
3 歐盟與美國預期以新機制取代安全港架構 蔡美儀2015/11/12 2488
4 歐盟公布「單一數位市場」計畫,降低成員國之間跨境網路交易障礙 蔡美儀2015/05/14 1542
5 美國提交電子商務建議案供TiSA成員國討論 林長慶2015/03/26 1939
6 Council for Trade in Services - Special Session - Committee on Trade in Financial Services - Communication from Malaysia - Challenges in the Financial Services Sector Malaysia2006/04/26 2587
7 Council for Trade in Services - Special Session - Communication from Australia - Transparency Template - Australia's Revised Horizontal Mode 4 Offer Australia2006/02/14 1742
8 Council for Trade in Services - Special Session - Communication from Canada - Proposal on Transparency of Horizontal Mode 4 Commitments Canada2006/02/14 1974
9 Council for Trade in Services - Committee on Specific Commitments - Special Session - Communication from Canada - Mode 4 Commitments and Economic Needs Tests Canada2006/02/14 2519
10 Council for Trade in Services - Special Session - Communication from Switzerland - E-Work Permits in Switzerland: www.workpermits.zh.ch SWITZERLAND2006/02/14 1728