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1 European Union - Anti-Dumping Measures on Imports of Fatty Acid from Indonesia - Request for consultations by Indonesia Indonesia 2024/02/12G/ADP/D144/1, S/L/481, WT/DS622/1 609
2 Trade in Services - Termination of the procedures under article XXI of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) - Communication from the Secretariat WTO Secretariat2020/02/03S/L/432 566
3 Japan - Measures related to the exportation of products and technology to Korea - Request for consultations by the Republic of Korea Korea2019/09/16G/L/1325, G/TFA/D3/1, G/TRIMS/D/45, IP/D/42, S/L/431, WT/DS590/12514
4 United States - Masures relating to trade in goods and services - Request for consultations by Venezuela Venezuela 2019/01/08G/L/1289, S/L/420, WT/DS574/1 1198
5 Trade in services - Template for notifying changes to an existing regional trade agreement - Adopted by the Council for Trade in Services on 12 October 2018 - Corrigendum Trade in services 2018/11/16S/L/419/Corr.1 724
6 Trade in services - Template for notifying changes to an existing regional trade agreement - Adopted by the Council for Trade in Services on 12 October 2018 Trade in services 2018/11/09S/L/419 678
7 Trade in Services - template for notifying changes to an existing regional trade agreement - Adopted by the Council for Trade in Services on 12 October 2018 Trade in Services2018/10/15S/L/418 643
8 Trade in Services - Certification of specific commitments in financial services - Brazil - Communication from the Secretariat WTO Secretariat2016/05/27S/L/412943
9 Council for Trade in Services - Tenth decision on the acceptance of the Fifth Protocol - Adopted by the Council for Trade in Services on 18 March 2016 Council for Trade in Services2016/03/18S/L/411923
10 European Communities - Regime for the importation, sale and distribution of bananas - Request for consultations by Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and the United States - Addendum Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, United States2012/11/23 1320