Trade in services - Template for notifying changes to an existing regional trade agreement - Adopted by the Council for Trade in Services on 12 October 2018

template for notifying changes to an existing regional trade AGREEMENT

Adopted by the Council for Trade in Services on 12 October 2018



The Council for Trade in Services,


        Having regard to paragraph 14 of the Transparency Mechanism for Regional Trade Agreements (WT/L/671),


        Having regard to the proposal by the Committee on Regional Trade Agreements regarding a template for notifying changes to an existing regional trade agreement (RTA), contained in document (WT/REG/28),


        Considering that the nature of this proposal is procedural and its implementation will not entail any change in Members' legal rights and obligations,


        Decides as follows,


        Notifications of changes to an existing agreement referred to in paragraph 1 of Article V (Economic Integration) of the GATS may be made pursuant to the template for notifying changes to an existing RTA proposed by the Committee on Regional Trade Agreements (WT/REG/28, dated 22 June 2018) and annexed to this Decision.