Committee on Trade and Environment - Report 2024


In 2024, the Committee on Trade and Environment in Regular Session (CTE) held three formal meetings: a first formal meeting on 24 and 25 April[1] with a thematic discussion back-to-back on 23rd April, under the Chairmanship of the Ambassador of Ecuador, Mr José Valencia; a second formal meeting on 19 and 20 June[2] and a third formal meeting on 7 and 11 October[3] with a thematic discussion on 10 October, under the Chairmanship of the Ambassador of Switzerland, Mr Erwin Bollinger. From 7 to 11 October 2024, the CTE held its fifth Trade and Environmental Week. In addition, the CTE held seven informal meetings, which were on 12 January, 2 February, 6 February, 17 May, 18 July, 17 September and 10 December 2024. All meetings were hosted both in person and virtually.

The work of the CTE was organized in accordance with the mandate established by the Doha Ministerial Declaration, Paragraphs 32, 33 and 51, inclusive of the 10 items of the CTE Work Programme, and Paragraph 14 of the MC12 Outcome Document[4]. In this context, discussions took place on a wide range of issues outlined below.

[1] Available through _WT/CTE/M/80, "Report of the Meeting held on 24 and 25 April 2024", Note by the Secretariat.

[2] Available through _WT/CTE/M/81, "Report of the Meeting held on 19 June 2024", Note by the Secretariat.

[3] To be circulated through _WT/CTE/M/82.

[4] See Annexes 1, 2 and 3.