Committee on Trade and Environment - Special Session - Summary Report on the Twelfth Meeting of the Committee on Trade and Environment in Special Session - 7 - 8 july 2005 - Note by the Secretariat

World Trade Organization RESTRICTED TN/TE/R/12 14 September 2005 (05-4052) Committee on Trade and Environment Special Session SUMMARY REPORT ON THE TWELFTH MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRADE AND ENVIRONMENT in SPECIAL SESSION 7-8 july 2005 Note by the Secretariat The Committee on Trade and Environment in Special Session (CTESS) held its twelfth meeting on 78 July 2005 on the basis of the agenda set out in the convening airgram, WTO/AIR/2600. I. Paragraph 31 (I) - WTO Rules and Specific Trade Obligations in Multilateral Environmental agreements (MEAs) The Chairman drew Members' attention to two new papers that had been submitted under this item: document TN/TE/W/53 by the European Communities, and document TN/TE/W/58 by Switzerland. The representative of the European Communities (EC) introduced the EC's new submission entitled Putting MEA/WTO Governance into Practice: The EC's Experience in the Negotiation and Implementation of MEAs which had been