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1 Committee on Customs Valuation - Notification under Decision A.4 concerning the interpretation of the Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 - Notification of valuation of carrier media - Seychelles Seychelles 2024/07/18G/VAL/N/3/SYC/1 44
2 Committee on Customs Valuation - Information on implementation and administration of the Agreement on Customs Valuation - Check-list of issues - Mongolia Mongolia 2024/07/17G/VAL/N/2/MNG/1 36
3 Committee on Customs Valuation - Notification under article 22 of the Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 - Mongolia Mongolia 2024/07/17G/VAL/N/1/MNG/2 34
4 Committee on Customs Valuation - Notification under article 22 of the Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 - Seychelles Seychelles 2024/07/16G/VAL/N/1/SYC/1 36
5 Committee on Customs Valuation - Information on implementation and administration of the Agreement on Customs Valuation - Check-list of issues - Seychelles Seychelles 2024/07/16G/VAL/N/2/SYC/1 48
6 Committee on Customs Valuation - Notification under article 22 of the Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 - The Republic of the Congo The Republic of the Congo 2024/06/10G/VAL/N/1/COG/1 51
7 Committee on Customs Valuation - Notification under article 22 of the Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 - Replies from the Solomon Islands to questions posed by the United States in document G/VAL/W/375 - Solomon Islands Solomon Islands2024/06/04G/VAL/Q/SLB/1 56
8 Committee on Customs Valuation - Notification under article 22 of the Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 - Nigeria - Revision Nigeria 2024/05/16G/VAL/N/1/NGA/2/Rev.1 75
9 Commitee on Customs Valuation - Status of notifications of national legislation on customs valuation and responses to the checklist of issues - Note by the Secretariat - Revision WTO Secretariat2024/05/13G/VAL/W/232/Rev.19 94
10 Committee on Customs Valuation - Information on the application of the Decisions on the treatment of interest charges in the customs value of imported goods and on the valuation of carrier media bearing software for data processing equipment - Note by the Secretariat - Revision WTO Secretariat2024/05/13G/VAL/W/5/Rev.39 69