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1 Chinese Taipei - Measure Relating to Investments in Offshore Wind Installations - Request for consultations by the European Union European Union2024/07/31G/L/1532, G/TRIMS/D/48, S/L/548, WT/DS625/1 229
2 美國財政部發布對外投資審查新法規草案 劉真妤2024/07/03WTOepaper824430
3 Google在馬來西亞投資20億美元建設資料中心 梁敬偉2024/06/05WTOepaper822601
4 Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures - Notifications under article 6.2 of the TRIMs Agreement of publications in which TRIMs may be found - Cabo Verde - Addendum Cabo Verde2024/05/16G/TRIMS/N/2/Rev.34/Add.1 92
5 General Council - Committee on Trade and Development - Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights - Committee on Trade and Environment - Working Group on Trade and Transfer of Technology - Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures - Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures - Policy Space for industrial development - Advancing WTO committee work to support structural transformation and industrial development in developing countries - Communication from the African Group The African Group 2024/05/14G/SCM/W/593, G/TRIMS/W/176, IP/C/W/713, WT/COMTD/W/291, WT/CTE/W/261, WT/GC/W/936, WT/WGTTT/W/37 642
6 微軟宣布對印、泰、馬三國的AI投資案 李明勳2024/05/08WTOepaper820781
7 庫克訪問東南亞推動供應鏈多元化 陳勝瑋2024/04/24WTOepaper819539
8 G7外長會議聯合聲明經濟議題聚焦經濟安全及產能過剩 劉真妤2024/04/24WTOepaper8191336
9 東協國家致力推動跨境QR code支付系統整合 李于晴2024/04/10WTOepaper8181314
10 United States - Certain tax credits under the inflation reduction act - Request for consultations by China China 2024/03/28G/L/1526, G/SCM/D137/1, G/TRIMS/D/47, WT/DS623/1 474