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1 Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures - Notifications under article 6.2 of the TRIMs Agreement - Reminder Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures2025/03/11G/TRIMS/W/178 3
2 Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures - Notifications under Article 6.2 of the TRIMs Agreement of Publications in which TRIMs may be Found - Revision Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures 2025/03/11G/TRIMS/N/2/Rev.38 2
3 Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures - Indonesia ? Import restriction on air conditioners - Reply by Indonesia to the questions from Japan Japan 2025/02/26G/TRIMS/Q/IDN/12 40
4 Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures - Indonesia - Import restriction on carpets and other textiles - Replies by Indonesia to the questions from Japan Indonesia2025/02/26G/TRIMS/Q/IDN/11 21
5 United States - Measures on Certain Semiconductor and other Products, and Related Services and Technologies - Request for consultations by China - Addendum China 2025/01/10G/L/1471/Rev.1/Add.2, G/TRIMS/D/46/Rev.1/Add.2, IP/D/44/Rev.1/Add.2, S/L/438/Rev.1/Add.2, WT/DS615/1/Rev.1/Add.2 542
6 蘋果加碼投資印尼爭取撤銷iPhone 16銷售禁令 李于晴2024/12/11WTOepaper8351091
7 馬來西亞、印尼、越南、泰國成為金磚國家(BRICS)夥伴國 李明勳2024/10/29WTOepaper8321235
8 Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures - Notifications under article 6.2 of the TRIMs Agreement of publications in which TRIMs may be found - Revision Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures2024/10/17G/TRIMS/N/2/Rev.37 240
9 Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures - Notification under article 6.2 of the TRIMS Agreement of publications in which TRIMS May be found - Hong Kong, China - Addendum Hong Kong, China2024/10/17G/TRIMS/N/2/Rev.36/Add.1 265
10 Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures - Reform of the Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures (the TRIMS Committee) - Items agreed by the Committee Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures 2024/10/16G/TRIMS/18 256