committee on trade-related investment
1. Article 6.2 of the Trade-Related Investment Measures ("TRIMs Agreement") provides:
Each Member shall notify
the Secretariat of the publications in which TRIMs may be found, including
those applied by regional and local governments and authorities within their
2. This provision does not envisage notifications of
particular laws, regulations or measures but of publications. It applies to all
WTO Members, covers all levels of government and refers to any TRIM, whether
or not in conformity with Articles III
and XI of the GATT 1994.
3. At its meeting on 30 September 1996, the Committee on
TRIMs adopted the Decision contained in document _G/TRIMS/5 (attached) pertaining to the procedures for notifications to be
submitted by all Members pursuant to Article 6.2 of the TRIMs Agreement. The
attached Decision specifies, in its paragraphs 3 and 4, the information which
should be contained in such notifications and indicates that these
notifications would be without prejudice to the
legal consistency of any TRIMs which may be found in these publications
notified. The Secretariat consolidates all notifications received pursuant to
this Article in one single document, the latest of which was circulated in _G/TRIMS/N/2/Rev.38 dated 11 March 2025.
4. Members that have never submitted the required
notifications are reminded to do so without delay.
5. Members that have submitted the required notifications
and have not updated them, as necessary, to reflect any changes that may have
occurred, are reminded to update such notifications without delay.
6. Members that have submitted notifications indicating that
they have no TRIMs inconsistent with the TRIMs Agreement, are also reminded
that the obligation to notify names and publications where TRIMs may be found
pertains to any TRIM without prejudice to its legal consistency.
Members that have submitted such nil notifications are also reminded to submit
the required notifications without delay.
7. All Members are requested to include in their
notifications any websites where relevant information could be found.
World Trade _G/TRIMS/5
October 1996
Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures
Decision of the Committee of
30 September 1996
1) Article 6.2 of the TRIMs Agreement provides:
Each Member shall notify the Secretariat of the
publications in which TRIMs may be found, including those applied by regional
and local governments and authorities within their territories.
2) This provision does not envisage notifications
of particular laws, regulations or measures but of publications. It applies to
all WTO Members, covers all levels of government and refers to any TRIM,
whether or not in conformity with Articles III and XI of the GATT 1994.
3) The Committee decides that each Member
implement Article 6.2 by providing the Secretariat with the name(s) of
publication(s) in which TRIMs may be found, where such publications exist,
including those applied by regional and local governments and authorities
within their territories, and the addresses from which copies can be obtained.
Members are not expected to submit copies of such publications. The
notification would be without prejudice to the legal consistency of any TRIMs
which may be found in these publications notified.
4) The "publications", notification of
which is envisaged under Article 6.2, are official sources which would contain
relevant laws, regulations or measures of more specific character. Such sources
may include official gazettes, but it might be more helpful if Members included
references to specific publications of relevant agencies (e.g. bulletins or
periodicals of a relevant ministry or foreign investment board).
5) Members are invited to submit lists of such
publications by 1 February 1997 and to update these lists as
appropriate. The Secretariat will consolidate notifications under Article 6.2
in a single document which will be updated as the need arises.