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1 Committee on Customs Valuation - Preshipment Inspection - Notifications under Article 5 of the Agreement on Preshipment Inspection - Responses from Indonesia to Questions posed by the United States contained in documents G/PSI/Q/IDN/2 and G/PSI/Q/IDN/4 - Indonesia Indonesia 2024/12/11G/PSI/Q/IDN/5 123
2 Preshipment Inspection - Notifications under article 5 of the Agreement on Preshipment Inspection - Revision Preshipment Inspection2024/11/26G/PSI/N/1/Rev.7 102
3 Preshipment Inspection - Notifications under article 5 of the Agreement on Preshipment Inspection - Addendum Preshipment Inspection2024/11/26G/PSI/N/1/Rev.6/Add.2 110
4 Preshipment Inspection - Notifications under Article 5 of the Agreement on Preshipment Inspection - Addendum Preshipment Inspection2024/05/08G/PSI/N/1/Rev.6/Add.1 306
5 Preshipment Inspection - Notifications under article 5 of the Agreement on Preshipment Inspection - Addendum Preshipment Inspection2023/03/24G/PSI/N/1/Rev.5/Add.3 455
6 Preshipment Inspection - Notifications under article 5 of the Agreement on Preshipment Inspection - Addendum Preshipment Inspection 2022/10/21G/PSI/N/1/Rev.5/Add.2 469
7 Committee on Customs Valuation - Preshipment inspection - Notifications under article 5 of the Agreement on Preshipment Inspection - Responses from Indonesia to questions posed by the United States contained in document G/VAL/W/357 - Indonesia Indonesia2022/05/20G/PSI/Q/IDN/3533
8 Indonesia - Importation of Horticultural Products, Animals and Animal Products - Request for consultations by United States United States2014/05/15G/AG/GEN/119, G/L/1069, G/LIC/D/48, G/PSI/D/4, WT/DS478/14413
9 Indonesia - Importation of Horticultural Products, Animals and Animal Products - Request for consultations by New Zealand New Zealand2014/05/15G/AG/GEN/118, G/L/1068, G/LIC/D/47, G/PSI/D/3, WT/DS477/14162
10 Preshipment inspection - Notifications under article 5 of the Agreement on Preshipment Inspection - Addendum WTO2014/05/01G/PSI/N/1/Rev.1/Add.41232