Preshipment inspection
Notifications under Article 5 of the
Agreement on Preshipment Inspection
RESPONSES from Indonesia to questions posed by the
United States
contained in documents _G/PSI/Q/IDN/2
and _G/PSI/Q/IDN/4
The following communication,
dated 10 December 2024, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of
thanks the United States for its question in _G/PSI/Q/IDN/2
and _G/PSI/Q/IDN/4.
1. Indonesia is fully aware of the importance
of notification, given that transparency is one of the WTO's main principles.
Import Verification (VPTI), as regulated in Trade Minister Regulation No. 16
of 2021, serves as a mechanism to verify:
(a) the conformity of exported/imported goods
with relevant documents;
(b) the required technical documents are met in
accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.
2. Furthermore, it also not a substitute for
customs inspection, therefore it does not validate nor determine any
tariff classification or customs valuation. Indonesia believes it is irrelevant
to notify the Regulation under Article 5 of the Agreement on Pre-shipment
3. With regard to the Question 2 contained in _G/PSI/Q/IDN/2,
Indonesia has started the notification process regarding the changes to the
Customs Law as regulated by Law No. 17 of 2006.