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筆數: /頁
1 Council for Trade in Goods - Sub-Committee on Least-Developed Countries - Preferential Tariff Treatment for Least-Developed Countries - Communication from the Kingdom of Morocco Kingdom of Morocco2005/08/22 946
2 Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures - Communication from Brazil and India Brazil and India2005/08/01 882
3 General Council - Council for Trade in Goods - HS96 Changes and Article II of GATT 1994 - Communication from Switzerland SWITZERLAND2005/01/13 1047
4 Council for Trade in Goods - Transitional Review Mechanism in Connection With Paragraph 18 of the Protocol on the Accession of the People's Republic of China - Communication from Japan China; Japan2004/12/07 1039
5 Council for Trade in Goods - Transitional Review Mechanism in Connection With Paragraph 18 of the Protocol on the Accession of the People's Republic of China - Communication from the European Communities European Communities2004/12/07 998
6 Council for Trade in Goods - Request for a WTO Waiver - Communication from Albania Albania2004/12/07 936
7 Council for Trade in Goods - International Textiles and Clothing Bureau - New Delhi Communiqué - Communication from India India2004/12/07 1139
8 Communication from the European Communities on WTO Trade Facilitation: Information on Trade Related Assistance by the EC and its Member States - Revision EC and its Member States2004/11/10 1847
9 International Architecture on Trade Facilitation the WTO and International Organizations and Framework - Communication from Japan Japan2004/11/10 1927
10 Trade Facilitation in the WTO: Benefits of a Rules-Based System - Communication from Australia Australia2004/11/10 2029