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1 Committee on Trade and Development - Participation of developing economies in the global trading system - Note by the Secretariat - Corrigendum WTO Secretariat2015/11/17WT/COMTD/W/212/Corr.2 1174
2 Committee on Trade and Development - Special session - Report by the Chairman of the Committee on Trade and Development in special session, Ambassador Kwok Fook Seng (Singapore) to the Chairman of the TNC WTO2014/03/20TN/CTD/281097
3 Committee on Trade and Development - Special Session - Report by the Chairman, Ambassador Burhan Gafoor (Singapore), to the Trade Negotiations Committee WTO Secretariat2013/03/22 1012
4 WTO貿易與發展議題之談判進展與評析 中華經濟研究院台灣WTO中心 蘇怡文輔佐研究員2006/06/23 4330
5 Committee on Trade and Development - Special Session - Analysis of the Twenty-Eight Agreement-Specific Proposals - Communication by Kenya on behalf of the African Group Kenya; African Group2006/06/20TN/CTD/W/291017
6 Committee on Trade and Development - Special Session - Report by the Chairman, Ambassador Burhan Gafoor (Singapore), to the General Council WTO Secretariat2006/05/19 971
7 Committee on Trade and Development - Eighteenth Special Session - Note on the Meeting of 7 December 2004 WTO Secretariat2005/11/21 3636
8 貿易與發展-特殊與差別待遇議題之分析 蘇怡文2005/10/27 1126
9 Forty-seventh Session - Note on the Meeting of 27 and 28 November 2003 WTO Secretariat2005/08/23 3862
10 Committee on Trade and Development - Special Session - Draft Report to the General Council - Revision WTO Secretariat2005/08/17 1133