Committee on Trade and Development - Eighteenth Special Session - Note on the Meeting of 7 December 2004
- WTO Secretariat
- 2005/11/21
- 已被閱讀 3739次
World Trade
Organization RESTRICTED TN/CTD/M/18
27 January 2005
(05-0329) Committee on Trade and Development
Eighteenth Special Session
NOTE ON THE MEETING OF 7 december 2004
Chairman: Mr. Faizel Ismail (South Africa)
A. Adoption of the Draft Agenda 1
B. Other Business 4
Adoption of the Draft Agenda
The Chairman indicated that the draft agenda was contained in Airgram WTO/AIR/2453 dated 23 November 2004. The agenda contained two items; one relating to the discussion of the Agreementspecific proposals and the other relating to the crosscutting issues. He said that he intended, as indicated in his fax of 3 December, to first share and discuss with Members some of his suggestions on the elements that could help take the work on special and differential treatment (S&D) forward. Then, time permitting, he would proceed to deal with the substantive items on the agenda.
The agenda was adopted.
The Chairman recalled that the formal meeting of the