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1 Committee on Rules of Origin - Understanding the importance of differentiating utilization rates of preferential trade arrangements for LDCs - Submission of Cambodia Cambodia 2025/02/27G/RO/W/235 31
2 Council for Trade in Goods - Committee on Customs Valuation - Committee on Import Licensing - Committee on Market Access - Committee on Rules of Origin - Committee on Trade and Development - Committee on Trade and Environment - Committee on Trade Facilitation - Functioning of WTO Bodies - Administrative Processes to Enhance Clarity and Accessibility of Information - Communication from Barbados, Colombia, India, Grenada, Paraguay, Singapore, Saint Kitts and Nevis, the United Kingdom, and Uruguay Barbados, Colombia, India, Grenada, Paraguay, Singapore, Saint Kitts and Nevis, the United Kingdom, and Uruguay2024/12/20G/C/W/858, G/LIC/W/63, G/MA/W/188, G/RO/W/234, G/TFA/W/104, G/VAL/W/393, WT/COMTD/W/297, WT/CTE/W/265 1015
3 Committee on Rules of Origin - Status of notifications of preferential rules of origin for LDCs and preferential import data - Note by the Secretariat - Corrigendum WTO Secretariat2024/12/19G/RO/W/163/Rev.13/Corr.1 183
4 Committee on Rules of Origin - Thirtieth annual review of the implementation and operation of the Agreement on Rules of Origin - Note by the Secretariat - Revision WTO Secretariat2024/12/09G/RO/W/230/Rev.1 161
5 Committee on Rules of Origin - De facto convergence in product specific rules of origin and administration of rules of origin - Sharing experiences at multilateral level Committee on Rules of Origin2024/11/07G/RO/W/233 192
6 Committee on Rules of Origin - Draft report - 2024 of the Committee on Rules of Origin to the General Council on preferential rules of origin for Least Developed Countries Committee on Rules of Origin2024/11/01G/RO/W/231 252
7 Committee on Rules of Origin - Thirtieth annual review of the implementation and operation of the Agreement on Rules of Origin - Note by the Secretariat WTO Director-General2024/10/23G/RO/W/230 152
8 Committee on Rules of Origin - Status of notifications of preferential rules of origin for LDCs and preferential import data - Note by the Secretariat - Revision WTO Secretariat2024/10/23G/RO/W/63/Rev.13 163
9 Committee on Rules of Origin - Modalities for the calculation of "preference utilization" - Note by the Secretariat - Revision WTO Secretariat2024/10/23G/RO/W/161/Rev.2 206
10 Committee on Rules of Origin - Towards simple and transparent rules of origin for LDCS : convergence on applicable rules of origin criteria for most exported products from LDCS under DFGF - Submission of the Least Developed Countries - Revision The Least Developed Countries2024/04/26G/RO/W/229/Rev.1 398