thirtieth annual review of the
implementation and
operation of the agreement on rules of origin
note by the secretariat[1]
1 Introduction
1.1. The purpose of this note is to assist Members in undertaking the 30th
Annual Review of the implementation and operation of the Agreement on Rules of
Origin. It was prepared by the Secretariat to assist Members' during their
discussions about the implementation of the Agreement. According to Article 6.1
of the Agreement, "the Committee shall review annually the
implementation and operation of Parts II and III of this Agreement having
regard to its objectives". The Committee's Annual Report to the
Council for Trade in Goods on the Implementation and Operation of the Agreement
on Rules of Origin will incorporate the outcomes of this review.
[1] This document has been prepared under the Secretariat's own
responsibility and is without prejudice to the positions of Members or to their
rights and obligations under the WTO.