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筆數: /頁
1 Council for Trade in Goods - Report 2023 of the Council for Trade in Goods Council for Trade in Goods2023/12/07G/L/1524 199
2 Council for Trade in Goods - Report on the WTO response to the COVID-19 pandemic and preparedness for future pandemics - Report by the Council for Trade in Goods and its subsidiary bodies Council for Trade in Goods2023/12/01G/L/1521 260
3 Council for Trade in Goods - Report on improvements in the functioning of the Council for Trade in Goods and its subsidiary bodies Council for Trade in Goods2023/12/01G/L/1523 287
4 Council for Trade in Goods - Committee on Customs Valuation - Report on improvements in the functioning of the Committee on Customs Valuation Council for Trade in Goods, Committee on Customs Valuation2023/11/15G/L/1513, G/VAL/80 418
5 Council for Trade in Goods - Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures - Report to the Council for Trade in Goods on improvements in the functioning of the Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures Council for Trade in Goods, Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measure2023/10/30G/L/1505, G/SCM/167 266
6 Council for Trade in Goods - Committee on Rules of Origin - Report 2023 of the Committee on Rules of Origin to the Council for Trade in Goods Council for Trade in Goods, Committee on Rules of Origin2023/10/26G/L/1499 335
7 Council for Trade in Goods - Committee on Safeguards - Report to the Council for Trade in Goods on improvements in the functioning of the Committee on Safeguards Council for Trade in Goods, Committee on Safeguards2023/10/26G/L/1502, G/SG/286 326
8 Council for Trade in Goods - Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices - Report to the Council for Trade in Goods on improvements in the functioning of the Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices Council for Trade in Goods, Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices2023/10/26G/ADP/34, G/L/1500 370
9 Council for Trade in Goods - Committee of Participants on the Expansion of Trade in Information Technology Products - Report to the Council for Trade in Goods on improvements in the functioning of the Committee of participants on the expansion of trade in information technology products Council for Trade in Goods, Committee of Participants on the Expansion of Trade in Information Technology Products2023/10/25G/IT/35, G/L/1498 340
10 Council for Trade in Goods - Working Party on State Trading Enterprises - Report to the Council for Trade in Goods on improving the functioning of the Working Party on State Trading Enterprises - Adopted on 20 October 2023 Council for Trade in Goods, Working Party on State Trading Enterprises 2023/10/20G/L/1495, G/STR/34 312