Council for Trade in Goods - Report on improvements in the functioning of the Council for Trade in Goods and its subsidiary bodies



1.1.  The Council for Trade in Goods (CTG or Council) began its discussions on WTO Reform in September 2022, following the mandate set out in the MC12 Outcome Document[2], which instructed the General Council and its subsidiary bodies to "conduct the work, review progress, and consider decisions, as appropriate, to be submitted to the next Ministerial Conference". This report provides information on the discussions to improve the functioning of the CTG and its 14 subsidiary bodies, which collectively implement all the agreements for trade in goods included in Annex 1A of the WTO Agreement, and represent the majority of the WTO's regular bodies. It reflects all the improvements realized since the conclusion of MC12, and is based on the individual reports prepared by each of these bodies or their Chairpersons, as applicable (see Annex 1).

1.2.  The CTG is pleased to report that a total of 127 improvements have been introduced in the functioning of the CTG and its subsidiary bodies, including 67 changes which have been formally adopted by these bodies and 60 changes where either the Chairperson or the Secretariat has taken action following discussions with Members. A summary of the number of improvements by body is provided in Table 1 in Section 3 of this document (see below). This work is significant insofar as the effective functioning of the regular bodies is a necessary condition for a successful implementation of the existing WTO Agreements, including the mandate and terms of reference of these bodies, in addition to any other substantive change adopted in the context of the broader WTO reform discussions. Improving the functioning of regular bodies is an incremental process, and Members may wish to continue relevant discussions in the future, if necessary, based on inputs from Members.

1.3.  Section 2 of this report describes the process followed by the CTG in implementing this mandate, and the proposals adopted or recommended by the Council, as well as the role it has played vis-à-vis its 14 subsidiary bodies. Section 3 then reproduces, by area or category, the main outcomes of these discussions.

[1] Report adopted at the formal meeting of the Council for Trade in Goods of 30 November 2023.