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1 Committee on Balance-of-Payments Restrictions - Consultations with Ecuador - Communication from Ecuador Ecuador2016/05/04WT/BOP/G/241122
2 Committee on Balance-of-Oayments Restrictions - Consultations with Ecuador - Communication from Ecuador - Timetable for the dismantling of the measure restricting imports because of the disequilibrium in Ecuador's balance of payments Committee on Balance-of-Oayments Restrictions2015/10/26WT/BOP/G/23 1292
3 Committee on Balance-of-Payments Restrictions - Report on the consultations with Ukraine Committee on Balance-of-Payments Restrictions2015/06/22WT/BOP/R/110 1152
4 Committe on Balance-of-Payments Restrictions - Consultations with Ecuador - Background document by the Secretariat WTO Secretaiat2015/05/27WT/BOP/S/18 1452
5 Committee on Balance-of-Payments Restrictions - Consultations with Ukraine - Basic document supplied by Ukraine Ukraine2015/04/08WT/BOP/G/211224
6 Committee on Balance-of-Payments Restrictions - Consultations with Ukraine - Background document by the Secretariat WTO Secretariat2015/04/08WT/BOP/S/171223
7 Committee on Balance of Payment Restrictions - Statement by Ecuador - Geneva, 28 July 2010 Ecuador2010/08/27 1086
8 Committee on Balance-of-Payments Restrictions - Statement by Ecuador - Geneva, 22 March 2010 Ecuador2010/04/13 1036
9 Committee on Balance-of-Payments Restrictions - Consultations with Ukraine - Basic Document Supplied by Ukraine - Overview of the Situation and Outlook for the Balance of Payments Taking into Account Intern[...]ct the Situation - Corrigendum Ukraine2009/08/12 1113
10 Committee on Balance-of-Payments Restrictions - Consultations with Ukraine - Basic Document Supplied by Ukraine - Overview of the Situation and Outlook for the Balance of Payments Taking into Account Intern[...]tors That Affect the Situation WTO Secretariat2009/07/09 1200