Committee on Balance of Payment Restrictions - Statement by Ecuador - Geneva, 28 July 2010
- Ecuador
- 2010/08/27
- 已被閱讀 1087次
World Trade
Organization WT/BOP/G/20
30 July 2010
(104079) Committee on BalanceofPayment Restrictions Original: Spanish
Geneva, 28 July 2010
In pursuance of Ecuador's commitment to eliminate the balanceofpayments safeguard measure in accordance with the timetable for phasing it out established in Resolutions 533 and 549 issued by Ecuador's Foreign Trade and Investment Council (COMEXI), I am pleased to inform you that by COMEXI Resolution 580, already notified to the WTO, Ecuador has implemented the fourth and last stage in the phasing out of the safeguard measure adopted at the beginning of 2009.
Resolution 580, in force since 23 July 2010, eliminates the remaining 30 per cent of the tariff surcharges implemented in 2009, thereby terminating in full the balanceofpayments safeguard measure as from that date.
The Government of Ecuador would point out that the competent authorities have consistently monitored both the p