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1 Committee on customs valuation - Report (2023) of the Committee on Customs Valuation to the Council for Trade in Goods Committee on Customs Valuation2023/11/16G/L/1516 231
2 Council for Trade in Goods - Committee on Customs Valuation - Report on improvements in the functioning of the Committee on Customs Valuation Council for Trade in Goods, Committee on Customs Valuation2023/11/15G/L/1513, G/VAL/80 418
3 Committee on Customs Valuation - Report (2022) of the Committee on Customs Valuation to the Council for Trade in Goods Committee on Customs Valuation2022/11/17G/L/1442 230
4 Committee on Customs Valuation - Fifth review of the Agreement on Preshipment Inspection - Report by the Chairperson Committee on Customs Valuation2021/10/26G/L/1409 302
5 Committee on Customs Valuation - Report (2021) of the Committee on Customs Valuation to the Council for Trade in Goods Committee on Customs Valuation2021/10/26G/L/1410 294
6 Committee on Customs Valuation - Report (2020) of the Committee on Customs Valuation to the Council for Trade in Goods Committee on Customs Valuation2020/11/11G/L/1372 362
7 Committee on Customs Valuation - Report (2019) of the Committee on Customs Valuation to the Council for Trade in goods Committee on Customs Valuation2019/11/04G/L/1333 405
8 Committee on Customs Valuation - Report (2019) of the Committee on Customs Valuation to the Council for Trade in goods Committee on Customs Valuation2019/11/04G/L/1333 437
9 Committee on Customs Valuation - Report (2018) of the Committee on Customs Valuation to the Council for Trade in Goods Committee on Customs Valuation 2018/11/27G/L/1284 548
10 Committee on Customs Valuation - Report (2015) of the Committee on Customs Valuation to the Council for Trade in Goods - Note by the Secretariat WTO Secretaríat2015/10/30G/L/1135849