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1 歐盟與美國預期以新機制取代安全港架構 蔡美儀2015/11/12 2489
2 歐盟公布「單一數位市場」計畫,降低成員國之間跨境網路交易障礙 蔡美儀2015/05/14 1543
3 美國提交電子商務建議案供TiSA成員國討論 林長慶2015/03/26 1940
4 Second Dedicated Discussion on Cross-Cutting Issues - Communication from Canada WTO Secretariat2004/10/13 1693
5 Work Programme on Electronic Commerce - Progress Report to the General Council - Adopted by the Council for Trade in Services on 19 July 1999 WTO2004/09/07 963
6 Singapore Non-Paper - Supplementary - Electronic Commerce: Digitised Products - Communication from Singapore - Supplement WTO Secretariat2004/09/06 1003
7 Council for Trade in Services - Work Programme on Electronic Commerce - Note by the Chairman of the Council for Trade in Services to the General Council WTO Council for Trade in Services2004/05/06 1846
8 Council for Trade in Services - WTO Programme on Electronic Commerce - Oral Report by the Chairman of the Council for Trade in Services to the General Council on Electronic Commerce WTO Council for Trade in Services2004/05/06 2847
9 Need for Unrestricted Global Electronic Commerce - Communication from Cuba CUBA2004/05/06 6467
10 Council for Trade in Services - Work Programme on Electronic Commerce - Interim Report to the General Council WTO Council for Trade in Services2004/05/06 2052