Committee on Trade and Development - Calendar of CTD meetings in 2024 - Revision

calendar of ctd meetings in 2024[1]


Date of meetings

CTD Session

Date of circulation of initial agenda

Date of closure of agenda

Date of circulation of revised agenda

1-2 February

60th Session on Aid for Trade

15 December 2023

19 January

22 January

11 April

22nd Dedicated Session on Regional Trade Agreements;

14th Dedicated Session on Preferential Trade Arrangements;

123rd Regular Session

14 March

27 March

28 March

30 April

61st Session on Aid for Trade

2 April

18 April

19 April

16 July

20th Dedicated Session on the Monitoring Mechanism on Special and Differential Treatment;

23rd Dedicated Session on Regional Trade Agreements;

15th Dedicated Session on Preferential Trade Arrangements;

124th Regular Session;

47th Dedicated Session on Small Economies

18 June

4 July

5 July

13 November

62nd Session on Aid for Trade

16 October

31 October

1 November

14 November

21st Dedicated Session on the Monitoring Mechanism on Special and Differential Treatment;

24th Dedicated Session on Regional Trade Agreements;

16th Dedicated Session on Preferential Trade Arrangements;

125th Regular Session;

1st Focused Session on Landlocked Developing Countries

17 October

1 November

4 November



[1] This document contains all dates of formal CTD meetings chaired by the CTD Chair (the Regular Session, the Dedicated Session on Regional Trade Agreements, the Dedicated Session on Preferential Trade Arrangements, the Dedicated Session on the Monitoring Mechanism on Special and Differential Treatment, the Dedicated Session on Small Economies, and the Session on Aid for Trade) that are currently known. Going forward, informal thematic sessions or workshops may be held back-to-back with formal meetings.