Committee on Trade and Development - Nineteenth dedicated session on regional trade agreements - Agreement on trade, commerce and transit between India and Bhutan - Goods - Note on the meeting of 5 April 2023 - Chairperson: H.E. Ms. Usha Chandnee Dwarka-Canabady (Mauritius)


Note on the meeting of 5 April 2023

Chairperson: H.E. Ms. Usha Chandnee Dwarka-Canabady (Mauritius)


1.  The 19th Dedicated Session on Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) of the Committee on Trade and Development (CTD) was convened in document WTO/AIR/COMTD/RTA/14/Rev.1 of 24 March 2023. Under item D (I) of the agenda, the Committee considered the Agreement on Trade, Commerce and Transit Between India and Bhutan (Goods) (WT/COMTD/RTA25/N/1, WT/COMTD/RTA25/1). The present document contains the minutes relating to the consideration of this agreement.[1]

2.  The Chairperson said that the Agreement on Trade, Commerce and Transit between India and Bhutan was notified under paragraph 4(a) of the Enabling Clause by India on 30 June 2008. The notification was originally circulated on 2 July 2008 in document WT/COMTD/N/28, and then re‑circulated on 13 October 2022 in document WT/COMTD/RTA25/N/1, in accordance with the new symbols for notifications and subsequent documentation relating to RTAs agreed to by the CTD at its 108th Regular Session on 5 April 2019. The factual presentation on the agreement – document WT/COMTD/RTA25/1 circulated on 13 October 2022 – was prepared by the Secretariat on its own responsibility, and in full consultation with the parties. No written questions were received on this agreement before the present meeting.

[1] The general minutes of the CTD's 19th Dedicated Session on RTAs are contained in document WT/COMTD/RTA/M/19.