Council for Trade in Services - Special Session - Committee on Specific Commitments - Communication from the United States - Classification in the Telecommunications Sector under the WTO-GATS Framework - Corrigendum

World Trade Organization TN/S/W/35/Corr.1* S/CSC/W/45/Corr.1* 17 March 2005 (05-1110) Council for Trade in Services Special Session Committee on Specific Commitments Original: English COMMUNICATION FROM THE UNITED STATES Classification in the Telecommunications Sector under the WTO-GATS Framework Corrigendum Upon a request received from the delegation of the United States, the communication contained in documents TN/S/W/35 and S/CSC/W/45 is derestricted. __________ * In English and Spanish only TN/S/W/35/Corr.1 S/CSC/W/45/Corr.1 Page 1 TN/S/W/35/Corr.1 S/CSC/W/45/Corr.1 Page 1