Council for Trade in Services - Communication from New Zealand - The Review of the GATS Annex on Air Transport Services
- New Zealand
- 2005/02/14
- 已被閱讀 1051次
World Trade
Organization S/C/W/185
1 December 2000 (00-5222) Council for Trade in Services Original: English
The Review of the GATS Annex on Air Transport Services
The following communication has been received from the delegation of New Zealand with the request that it be circulated to the Members of the Council for Trade in Services.
1. The air transport sector constitutes an anomaly under the GATS as the only services sector subject to specific sectoral exclusions. This situation grew out of the dilemma of reconciling the practice of bilateral reciprocity which has traditionally dominated air services negotiations with the MFN principle underlying the multilateral trading system. This dilemma is not, however, unique to air transport services. Nor are a range of other regulatory issues which arise in this sector unique to air transport services.
2. In recognition of this, para