Working Party on GATS Rules - Inter-Agency Task Force on Statistics of International Trade in Services - Progress Report, May 2000 - Background Note by the Secretariat
- WTO Working Party on GATS Rules
- 2004/11/01
- 已被閱讀 1099次
World Trade
Organization RESTRICTED S/WPGR/W/32
15 May 2000 (00-1974) Working Party on GATS Rules
Inter-Agency Task Force on Statistics of
International Trade in Services
Progress Report, May 2000
Background Note by the Secretariat
Responding to a request from the Working Party on GATS Rules, at its meeting of 45 May 2000, this Note briefly describes past and future work of the Inter-Agency Task Force on Statistics of International Trade in Services. The special focus is on work on the Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services and short-term prospects in this area. The Annex provides a short overview of the Manual. More detailed information, including the draft Manual itself, is available in the Secretariat.
Major Achievements
In 1994, following requests from GATT and UNCTAD representatives, the United Nations Statistical Commission decided to establish the Inter-Agency Task Force on Statistics of International Trade in Servi