Institute for Training and Technical Cooperation - Annual performance report on technical assistance and training - 2017




Acronyms. 3

1   Executive Summary. 5

1.1   Main evolutions in 2017 compared to 2016. 5

1.2   Implementation of TA Plan - main features of the WTO Technical Assistance in 2017. 5

1.3   Evaluation of Performance in 2017 and lessons learnt 6

2   Introduction.. 7

3   Main evolutions in 2017 compared to 2016. 7

3.1   Management of TA resources. 7

3.1.1   Resources availability for TA. 8

3.1.2   Volume of TA activities. 9

3.2   External Evaluation Follow-up. 11

3.3   Implementation and enhancement of Results-Based Management 13

3.4   Improving the WTO TA offer 14

3.4.1   Improvements in the e-Learning offer 14

3.4.2   Improvements in the face-to-face offer 19

4   Implementation of TA Plan and Main FEAtures of the WTO TA provided in 2017  23

4.1   Participation of least developed countries (LDCs) 23

4.2   Geographical distribution. 25

4.3   Product mix. 27

4.4   Distribution by subject 30

4.5   Language mix. 32

4.6   Progressivity of training. 33

4.7   Gender mix. 34

4.8   Key Result mix. 35

5   Evaluation of Performance in 2017. 37

5.1   Key Result 1: Government officials are implementing WTO Agreements and making full use of Members' rights. 39

5.1.1   Output 1.1: Government officials have enhanced knowledge about the WTO Agreements, formulation of trade policies and conduct of trade negotiations. 42

5.1.2   Output 1.2: Effective partnerships result in substantive contributions of human and financial resources, for e-Learning and face-to-face activities. 56

5.1.3   Output 1.3: Members' needs and priorities are identified annually. 58

5.2   Key Result 2: Acceding governments are participating in accession negotiations, in line with WTO accession processes and procedures. 59

5.2.1   Output 2.1: Acceding governments have expertise on WTO rules, accessions negotiating best practices and core accession obligations acquis. 61

5.3   Key Result 3: Members are accessing and using the most recent and relevant WTO-related information and data enabling them to better enforce their rights and obligations. 63

5.3.1   Output 3.1: The WTO RCs network is operational in targeted Member/Observer economies  63

5.3.2   Output 3.2: RCs are used by the various stakeholders to access WTO-related information and data or to follow online courses. 64

5.3.3   Trade in services statistics and supply-use tables are developed and used by the various stakeholders to monitor WTO-related trade developments. 65

5.3.4   Digital Dispute Settlement Registry (DDSR) 65

5.4   Key Result 4: MPs, journalists and civil society interacting with WTO; and students or academic institutions supported by WTO are dealing with trade policy and WTO-related subjects. 66

5.4.1   Output 4.1: Improved understanding by MPs, journalists, civil society and businesses of WTO issues and trade policies. 67

5.4.2   Output 4.2: Research on trade policy and WTO-related matters generated by WTO Chairs and PhD students through provision of grants. 68

5.4.3   Output 4.3: Academic courses on WTO-related subjects introduced and updated with WTO support 71

5.4.4   Output 4.4: Outreach activities on trade policy and WTO-related matters organised by WTO Chairs through the provision of grants. 73

5.4.5   Output 4.5: Young professionals under the Young Professional Programme are exposed to WTO issues and work. 74


ANNEX II Main Results measured in 2017. 82