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Technical Note on the Accession Process - Note by the Secretariat - Corrigendum

World Trade Organization WT/ACC/10/Rev.4/Add.1/Corr.1* 28 June 2010 (10-3506) TECHNICAL NOTE ON THE ACCESSION PROCESS Note by the Secretariat Corrigendum Page 10, second paragraph entitled "Tonga", should be replaced with the following text: The representative of Tonga confirmed that, from the date of accession, his Government would ensure that the authority in Tonga's laws to apply measures for balance of payments purposes would be applied in a manner consistent with the requirements of the understanding on balance-of-payments provisions of the GATT 1994, as well as Article XII of the GATT 1994. The Working Party took note of these commitments (paragraph 14). Page 242, the section on "Foreign Exchange and Payments" should be deleted; Page 245, "Application of Internal Taxes on Imports" paragraph entitled "Cape Verde" should be deleted; and Page 249, "Rules of Origin" paragraph entitled "Cape Verde" should be deleted. __________ * In Engli