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1 WTO Accessions - 2024 annual report by the Director-General WTO Director-General 2025/02/14WT/ACC/47, WT/GC/269 29
2 WTO Accessions - Second Central Asia trade policy forum : economic integration through WTO accession and membership - 3 - 5 June 2024, Almaty (Kazakhstan) - Chair's report on the outcome of the second trade policy forum WTO Accessions 2025/02/06WT/ACC/46 54
3 List of completed accessions negotiated under article XII of the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the WTO - Revision WTO Secretariat2024/09/25WT/ACC/16/Rev.6 154
4 List of current accession working parties - Revision WTO Secretariat2024/09/25WT/ACC/17/Rev.9 154
5 General Council - WTO accessions - 2023 annual report by the Director General The Director General2024/03/20WT/ACC/45, WT/GC/265 460
6 List of WTO accessions working party Chairpersons - Revision WTO Secretariat2024/03/11WT/ACC/18/Rev.20 296
7 Working Party on the Accession of Timor-Leste - Accession of Timor-Leste - Draft schedule of concessions and commitments on goods Timor-Leste2023/11/07WT/ACC/SPEC/TLS/6 178
8 List of WTO accessions working party chairpersons - Revision WTO Secretariat2023/06/02WT/ACC/18/Rev.19 482
9 List of WTO Accessions Working Party Chairpersons - Revision WTO Secretariat2023/03/23WT/ACC/18/Rev.18 496
10 WTO accessions - Eleventh China round table on WTO accessions, Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1 - 3 February 2023 - WTO accessions and trade integration : stories from the Asia - Pacific - Report on the outcome of the 11th China round table Lao PDR2023/03/06WT/ACC/44, WT/GC/258 640