Committee on Trade and Development - Seventeenth Special Session - Note on the Meeting of 28 October 2004

World Trade Organization RESTRICTED TN/CTD/M/17 7 December 2004 (04-5349) Committee on Trade and Development Seventeenth Special Session NOTE ON THE MEETING OF 28 OCTOBER 2004 Chairman: Mr. Faizel Ismail (South Africa) A. Adoption of the Draft Agenda 1 B. Discussion of Agreement-Specific Proposals 1 C. Other Business 16 Adoption of the Draft Agenda Opening the meeting, the Chairman said that the draft agenda was contained in Airgram WTO/AIR/2407 of 15 October 2004. He said that he hoped that Members would continue their work in the same spirit of building consensus as they had shown when discussing the July Package. The agenda was adopted. Discussion of Agreement-Specific Proposals The Chairman said that agenda item B related to the discussion of the Agreementspecific proposals. He said that as Members were aware, the development section of the July Decision contained six themes, one of which related to special and differential treatment (S&