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筆數: /頁
1 Indonesia - Measures Concerning the Importation of Chicken Meat and Chicken Products - Request for consultations by Brazil Brazil2014/10/23G/AG/GEN/120, G/L/1075, G/LIC/D/49, G/PSI/D/5, G/SPS/GEN/1371, G/TBT/D/47, WT/DS484/15998
2 Indonesia - Importation of Horticultural Products, Animals and Animal Products - Request for consultations by New Zealand New Zealand2014/05/15G/AG/GEN/118, G/L/1068, G/LIC/D/47, G/PSI/D/3, WT/DS477/14255
3 Indonesia - Importation of Horticultural Products, Animals and Animal Products - Request for consultations by United States United States2014/05/15G/AG/GEN/119, G/L/1069, G/LIC/D/48, G/PSI/D/4, WT/DS478/14490
4 Indonesia - Importation of Horticultural Products, Animals and Animal Products - Request for consultations by the United States United States2013/09/09G/AG/GEN/112, G/L/1037, G/LIC/D/45, G/PSI/D/1, WT/DS465/13448
5 Peru - Additional Duty on Imports of Certain Agricultural Products - Request for consultations by Guatemala Guatemala2013/06/05 2174
6 Indonesia - Importation of horticultural products, animals and animal products - Request for consultations by the United States United States2013/01/14G/AG/GEN/108, G/L/1022, G/LIC/D/44, WT/DS455/13128
7 China - Measures Relating to the Production and Exportation of Apparel and Textile Products - Request for consultations by Mexico Mexico2012/10/25WT/DS451/1, G/L/1004, G/SCM/D94/1, G/AG/GEN/1031992
8 Argentina - Measures Affecting the Importation of Goods - Request for consultations by the European Union European Union2012/06/11 1576
9 European Communities - Measures Prohibiting the Importation and Marketing of Seal Products - Request for Consultations by Canada - Addendum Canada2010/10/29 1177
10 European Communities - Measures Prohibiting the Importation and Marketing of Seal Products - Request for Consultations by Norway Norway2010/10/29 1193