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筆數: /頁
1 Committee on Import Licensing - Eighth biennial review of the implementation and operation of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures WTO Secretariat2010/12/13 901
2 Committee on Import Licensing - Eighth biennial review of the implementation and operation of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures WTO Secretariat2010/12/09 955
3 Committee on Import Licensing - Seventh Biennial Review of the Implementation and Operation of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures - Background Document by the Secretariat WTO Secretariat2008/11/21 911
4 Committee on Import Licensing - Fifth Biennial Review of the Implementation and Operation of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures - Background document by the Secretariat WTO Secretariat2005/11/07 962
5 Committee on Import Licensing - First Biennial Review of the Implementation and Operation of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures WTO Secretariat2005/03/31 863
6 Committee on Import Licensing - Transitional Review Mechanism - Communication from the People's Republic of China China2004/12/07 1024
7 Statement Made by the United States under Agenda Item C WTO2004/09/20 956
8 Committee on Import Licensing - Second Biennial Review of the Implementation and Operation of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures WTO Secretariat2004/09/06 940
9 Committee on Import Licensing - Third Biennial Review of the Implementation and Operation of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures WTO Secretariat2004/09/06 1071
10 Committee on Import Licensing - First Biennial Review of the Implementation and Operation of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures - Corrigendum WTO Secretariat2004/09/01 347