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筆數: /頁
1 Committee on Trade and Development - Institute for Training and Technical Cooperation - WTO technical assistance annual report 2021 - Optimizing digital delivery to navigate the pandemic Committee on Trade and Development2022/05/25WT/COMTD/W/265399
2 Committee on Trade and Development - Aid for trade - Aid-for-trade monitoring exercise - Joint communication by the WTO and OECD Secretariats - Fifth global review of aid for trade : reducing trade costs for inclusive, sustainable growth Committee on Trade and Development2015/01/12WT/COMTD/AFT/W/55 1188
3 Committee on Trade and Development - Aid for trade - Background note on aid for trade and SME competitiveness : connecting developing country SMES to global value chains - Joint communication from the International Trade Center and the WTO secretariat Committee on Trade and Development2014/10/06WT/COMTD/AFT/W/531709
4 Committee on Trade and Development - Aid for trade - Aid-for-trade work programme - 2014 - 2015 - "Reducing trade costs for inclusive, sustainable growth" WTO2014/05/07WT/COMTD/AFT/W/511233
5 Committee on Trade and Development - Aid for trade - Communication from the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) WTO2014/04/25WT/COMTD/AFT/W/491105
6 Committee on Trade and Development - Aid for trade - Standards and trade development facility - Note by the Secretariat WTO2014/04/25WT/COMTD/AFT/W/501309
7 Committee on Trade and Development - Aid for trade - Workshop on Aid for Trade and Intellectual Property - Background note by the Secretariat WTO Secretariat2012/11/23 1190
8 Committee on Trade and Development - Aid for trade - Communication from the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development - Corrigendum Committee on Trade and Development2012/11/23 1161
9 Committee on Trade and Development - Aid for trade - Aid-for-trade fact sheets - Joint communication by the WTO and OECD Secretariats Committee on Trade and Development2012/11/23 1150
10 Committee on Trade and Development - Aid for trade - Progress in implementation of the 2012 - 2013 - Aid-for-trade work programme - Background note prepared by the Secretariat - Addendum WTO Secretariat2012/11/05 1211