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1 Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures - Notifications under article 6.2 of the TRIMs Agreement - Reminder Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures2025/03/11G/TRIMS/W/178 13
2 Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures - Notifications under article 6.2 of the TRIMs Agreement - Reminder Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures2024/09/11G/TRIMS/W/177 246
3 General Council - Committee on Trade and Development - Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights - Committee on Trade and Environment - Working Group on Trade and Transfer of Technology - Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures - Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures - Policy Space for industrial development - Advancing WTO committee work to support structural transformation and industrial development in developing countries - Communication from the African Group The African Group 2024/05/14G/SCM/W/593, G/TRIMS/W/176, IP/C/W/713, WT/COMTD/W/291, WT/CTE/W/261, WT/GC/W/936, WT/WGTTT/W/37 1648
4 Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures - Notifications under article 6.2 of the TRIMs Agreement - Reminder Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures2024/02/23G/TRIMS/W/175 374
5 General Council - Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures - Committee on Trade and Development - A case for rebalancing the Agreement on trade-related investment measures (TRIMs) - Policy space to promote industrialisation and structural transformation in developing countries - Communication from the African Group (Angola ; Benin ; Botswana ; Burkina Faso ; Burundi ; Cabo Verde ; Cameroon ; Central African Republic ; Chad ; Congo ; Côte d'Ivoire ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; Djibouti ; Egypt ; Eswatini ; Gabon ; The Gambia ; Ghana ; Guinea ; Guinea-Bissau ; Kenya ; Lesotho ; Liberia ; Madagascar ; Malawi ; Mali ; Mauritania ; Mauritius ; Morocco ; Mozambique ; Namibia ; Niger ; Nigeria ; Rwanda ; Senegal ; Seychelles ; Sierra Leone ; South Africa ; Tanzania ; Togo ; Tunisia ; Uganda ; Zambia and Zimbabwe) General Council 2023/07/13G/TRIMS/W/173, WT/COMTD/W/284, WT/GC/W/896 598
6 Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures - Notifications under article 6.2 of the TRIMs Agreement - Reminder Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures2022/09/29G/TRIMS/W/172 505
7 Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures - Notifications under article 6.2 of the TRIMs Agreement - Reminder Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures2021/08/31G/TRIMS/W/170 726
8 Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures - Notifications under article 6.2 of the TRIMs Agreement - Reminder Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures2021/03/04G/TRIMS/W/169 578
9 Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures - Notifications under Article 6.2 of the TRIMS Agreement - Reminder Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures 2020/09/09G/TRIMS/W/168 633
10 Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures - Notifications under article 6.2 of the TRIMS Agreement - Reminder Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures2018/10/01G/TRIMS/W/167 803