Committee on Trade Facilitation - Report on the implementation of the Trade Facilitation Agreement - Communication from Angola

REPORT oN the implementation of the trade facilitation agreement

communication from angola

The following communication, dated 12 August 2024, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of Angola.





In accordance with the recommendation resulting from the first review of the operation and implementation of the Trade Facilitation Agreement (_G/TFA/2, paragraph 9.2 vi.)[1], Angola hereby confirms, for information purposes, that it has fulfilled its commitments under the following Articles of the Trade Facilitation Agreement (WT/L/931), as detailed below:




Regulatory text issued

Link to text

Article 3 - Advance Rulings


Presidential Legislative Decree no.1 - 24 January 3rd

Circular No. 11 of December 2023

Advance ruling for tariff classification

Circular No. 05 of June 2023

Advance ruling for origin

Article 7.7 – Authorized Operators


Articles 552-572 of Tariff Code & Presidential Decree no. 293 - 18 of December 3

Requirements information, procedures and forms!/servicos-aduaneiros//operador-economico-autorizado

Article 10.9 - Temporary Admission of Goods and Inward and Outwards Processing


Articles 61-690 Section III of the New Tariff Code Published under the Presidential Legislative Decree no. 1 - 24 January 3rd



[1] Building on the discussions during this first review of the operation and implementation of the Trade Facilitation Agreement, and with a view to furthering its work in regard to Section II of the TFA, the Committee:

vi. recommends that Members whose implementation dates have passed for their category B or C provisions, and on a voluntary basis and for informational purposes only: (i) confirm the passing of implementation dates in any form or reporting (orally or in writing); and/or (ii) share their implementation experiences with the Committee while explicitly mentioning the provision they have implemented. Category B and Category C provisions shall be implemented on the definitive dates as notified by Members as per Article 16.5 of the Agreement. The Committee could encourage those Members who have implemented category B provisions in particular to take the actions above. It should be noted that this proposal never intends to modify the Members' obligations under the TFA.