Committee on Trade Facilitation - Notifications under articles 1.4, 10.4.3, 10.6.2 and 12.2.2 of the Agreement on Trade Facilitation - Communication from Indonesia - Revision

NOTIFICATIONS UNDER ARTICLES 1.4, 10.4.3, 10.6.2 and 12.2.2


Communication from INDONESIA


The following communication, dated 9 July 2024, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of Indonesia.





Indonesia hereby makes the following updated notifications based on Articles 1.4, 10.4.3, 10.6.2 and 12.2.2 of the Agreement on Trade Facilitation.


Article 1, paragraph 4


(a)   The official place(s) where the items in subparagraphs 1.1(a) to (j) have been published


1.1(a)              procedures for importation, exportation, and transit (including port, airport, and other entry-point procedures), and required forms and documents;

Procedures/licences required for importation and exportation, and required forms and documents


1.1(b)      applied rates of duties and taxes of any kind imposed on or in connection with importation or exportation;

Applied rates of duties (available for each HS code)


1.1(c)      fees and charges imposed by or for governmental agencies on or in connection with importation, exportation or transit;


Indonesia does not apply any fees and charges.


1.1(d)      rules for the classification or valuation of products for customs purposes;

Classification and tariff duty of imported goods


1.1(e)      laws, regulations, and administrative rulings of general application relating to rules of origin;

Laws, regulations, and procedures of Certificate of Origin


1.1(f)       import, export or transit restrictions or prohibitions;

Import and export restrictions or prohibitions (available for each HS code)


1.1(g)      penalty provisions for breaches of import, export, or transit formalities;

Penalty provisions for breaches of import and export

Administrative sanction (in terms of penalty) provisions in customs procedures

Penalty provisions for breaches of import and export (for animal, fisheries and plant)

Penalty provisions for breaches of import and export (for processed food, drugs, and cosmetics)


1.1(h)      procedures for appeal or review;   

Procedures for appeal in customs and excise


1.1(i)       agreements or parts thereof with any country or countries relating to importation, exportation, or transit; and

Agreements with FTA partners countries, as well as applied preferential tariff for each HS code related to the agreements


1.1(j)       procedures relating to the administration of tariff quotas.


Indonesia does not open its tariff quotas as applied tariffs are below the bound in-quota tariff.



Article 1, paragraph 4


(b)   The Uniform Resource Locators of website(s) referred to in paragraph 2.1


(a)     A description of its procedures for importation, exportation, and transit, including procedures for appeal or review, that informs governments, traders, and other interested parties of the practical steps needed for importation, exportation, and transit;

Procedures/licences required for importation and exportation (available for each HS code)

Procedures for importation, exportation, as well as appeal or review


(b)    The forms and documents required for importation into, exportation from, or transit through the territory of that Member;

Required forms and documents for importation and exportation


Article 1, paragraph 4


(c)   The contact information of the enquiry points referred to in paragraph 3.1


National Committee on Trade Facilitation


Article 10, paragraph 4.3

Indonesia National Single Window (INSW) is a national system integration that enables the single and synchronous submission of data and information; the single and synchronous delivery and information of decisions; and the single submission of decisions for the issuance of customs permits and the release of goods in compliance with law and regulatory requirements.

INSW provides the following services and integrates the systems across ministries and agencies:

·_        Document validation and reconciliation (licences, imports, and exports);

·_        Indonesia National Trade Repository;

·_        ASEAN Trade Repository;

·_        Information on dwelling times;

·_        Tracking, including licences, import and export declaration documents, e-COO, and TRQ Quota;

·_        A help center with live chat, a FAQ, and a manual guide;

The website of the National Trade Facilitation Committee.



Article 10, paragraph 6.2


Indonesia does not oblige the use of customs brokers. Legislations regulating the use and other matters related to customs brokers are as follow:

_      The Regulation of Minister of Finance No. 29/PMK.04/2018 concerning Acceleration of Customs and Excise Licensing in term of Ease of Doing Business amended by the Regulation of Minister of Finance No. 145/PMK.04/2022, No. 149/PMK.04/2022, and No. 145/PMK.04/2022.

_      The Regulation of Minister of Finance No. 219/PMK.04/2019 concerning Simplification of Customs Registration.

More information can be found at



Article 12, paragraph 2.2


Directorate of International Affairs

Tel: +62 21 2968 8524



