communication from
canada, chile, Jamaica, NEW ZEALAND, NIGERIA, norway,
SINGAPORE and switzerland
The following communication, dated 17 February 2025, is being
circulated at the request of the delegations of Canada, Chile, Jamaica, New
Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Singapore, and Switzerland.
In the context of "WTO reform by doing", the co-sponsoring
Members would like to put forward some practical steps to enhance the
appointment process, for decision at this General Council meeting. The proposed
elements are not an attempt to change existing procedures but are meant to be
complementary by improving efficiency and removing possible roadblocks in the
appointment process.
The elements for decision are as follows:
The General Council,
Noting that, to date, the process of
consultations on the appointment of officers to the WTO bodies has been
conducted based on the 2003 "Guidelines for the Appointment of Officers to
WTO Bodies" (_WT/L/510, "the Guidelines"), which
are complemented by the statement delivered by the Chairperson of the General
Council at the General Council's meeting of 25-26 July 2012 (_JOB/GC/22, "the Practical Steps"),
and which reference the agreement reached by the Trade Negotiations Committee
(TNC) at its first meeting on 28 January and 1 February 2002 regarding the
appointment of chairpersons of the TNC and of the bodies established by it (_TN/C/M/1),
Acknowledging that the appointment of
chairpersons is crucial to our work at the WTO, and should be done without
delay between successive chairpersons so as not to cause disruption,
Agrees to the following elements to enhance
the implementation of the Guidelines for negotiating bodies established by the
TNC and subsidiary bodies of the Council for Trade in Goods (CTG) and Council
for Trade in Services (CTS), based on practical experiences to improve the
efficiency of the appointment process, while respecting the over-arching goal
of an appointment process that preserves the overall balance of representation
and is member-driven, transparent, and inclusive:
1. For the negotiating bodies
established by the TNC:
To ensure that our work at the WTO
is not disrupted, the Chair of the General Council is encouraged to proceed
expeditiously with the appointment of replacement chairs for these processes as
required. Once the approximate departure date for a chair of a special session
is known, the Chair of the General Council should begin consultations to
nominate a successor without delay.
1.2._ Where an active special session is
without a chair for more than 60 days, the Chair of the General Council may appoint
an interim chair from amongst the Membership taking into account the views of
Members. The interim chair's role would be to ensure meetings can continue to
be held and the work of the special session is not adversely affected. The
Chair of the General Council should continue to consult with Members to find a
chair as soon as possible. The interim chair would be appointed for a period of
three months, renewable absent objections from Members.
For the subsidiary bodies to the CTG and CTS:
Nomination Process
2.1._ At the General Council meeting held
in October, the Chair will inform the Membership of the process for the
appointment of chairs for WTO bodies, and request that Regional Group Coordinators
initiate the internal nominating process for their respective regional groups
for chairs of the subsidiary bodies to the CTG and CTS. Members which wish to
nominate candidates should inform their Regional Coordinator as soon as
possible thereafter. Current Chairpersons of the subsidiary bodies may be
nominated for a second term, where appropriate such as with the support of the
relevant committee or the agreement of the Regional Group Coordinators.
Nominations should be submitted by Regional Group Coordinators to the Chairs of
the CTG and CTS as soon as feasible in January, and no later than upon
agreement on the chairs of Tier 1 (Groups 1, 2, 4 and 5 per the Annex of the
2.2._ Members which do not belong to
Regional Groups should engage directly with the Chairs of the CTG and CTS,
including on any nominations they wish to make, and these chairs should keep
these Members updated during the nomination process.
2.3._ Members should endeavour to only
propose nominees whose term in Geneva enables them to fulfil the complete term
of an appointment, i.e., for at least one year.
Consultation Process
2.4._ Members of Regional Groups[1] should ensure that their Regional
Group Coordinators are entrusted to engage with other coordinators on their
behalf. Regional Group Coordinators should ensure that their members are aware
of the nominations being made, have the opportunity to convey priorities
regarding candidates for subsidiary bodies, and are apprised of ongoing
2.5._ Members which do not belong to
Regional Groups should engage directly with the Chairs of the CTG and CTS, who
should keep these Members updated during the consultation process.
2.6._ The selection process should focus
on the qualifications of the candidates as contained in the Guidelines,
while also taking into account overall balance, and confirm the technical
nature of the appointments. Members should continue to exercise the utmost
restraint in raising objections to candidates based on reasons that fall
outside the Guidelines and Practical Steps.
2.7._ Recalling Article 1.1 of the
Guidelines, Members should bear in mind that the appointments exercise is meant
to be a relatively routine function and that Members should continue to remain
2.8._ If there is no consensus achieved on
a full slate of candidates by the closing of the agenda for the first General
Council meeting of the year, the Chairs of the CTG and CTS will report to the
membership on the specifics of the state of consultations and will work with
the GC Chair, who will engage in consultations and endeavour to resolve the
matter as soon as possible.
2.9._ The Chairs of the CTG and CTS should
ensure that the appointment of chairs of subsidiary bodies proceeds
expeditiously to ensure there are no unnecessary delays to the usual work of
the WTO. In exceptional circumstances where such delays appear likely, the
Chair of the CTG or CTS, as relevant, will appoint a qualified interim chair
from amongst the Membership taking into account the views of Members. The
Chairs of the CTG and CTS should continue to consult with Members to find a
chair as soon as possible. The interim chair would be appointed for a period of
three months, renewable absent objections from Members.
[1] The term Regional Groups, as is the current practice, also includes
the Developed Countries Coordinating Group.