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General Council - 22 - 23 July 2024 - Proposed agenda

proposed agenda

1.1  For action/decision

1.     Accession of the Union of the Comoros - Request for Extension of Time-Limit for Acceptance of the Protocol of Accession - Draft Decision (_WT/GC/267; _WT/GC/W/942)

2.     Procedure for the Introduction of Multiple Changes to the Harmonized System to Schedules of Concessions Using the Consolidated Tariff Schedules (CTS) Database - Draft Decision (_G/C/W/846)

3.     Follow up to MC12 - Report on the MC12 SPS Declaration Work Programme adopted by the SPS Committee on 26 June 2024 (_G/SPS/72)

4.     Appointment of the WTO Director-General - Request from the African Group (_WT/GC/W/948)

5.     Moving Agriculture Negotiations Forward – Draft Decision (_WT/GC/W/939/Rev.2)

6.     Incorporation of the Investment Facilitation for Development Agreement into Annex 4 of the WTO Agreement - Draft Decision (_WT/GC/W/927/Rev.1)

1.2  For discussion

7.     Report by the Chairperson of the Trade Negotiations Committee and Report by the Director‑General

8.     Follow-Up to Outcomes of Ministerial Conferences: MC13 (Abu Dhabi); MC12 (Geneva, co‑hosted by Kazakhstan); MC11 (Buenos Aires); MC10 (Nairobi) and MC9 (Bali) – Statement by the Chairperson

9.     Work Programme on Small Economies – Report by the Chairperson of the Dedicated Session of the Committee on Trade and Development

10.   Initiating work on the operationalization of paragraph 21 of the MC13 Abu Dhabi Ministerial Declaration - Communication from Pakistan (_WT/GC/W/941)

11.   Fisheries Subsidies

         11.1.       Draft decision on Additional Provisions on Fisheries Subsidies – Communication from Iceland (_WT/GC/W/943)

         11.2.       Draft decision on Additional Provisions on Fisheries Subsidies: Notification of Annual Aggregate Level of Fisheries Subsidies – Communication from Iceland (_WT/GC/W/944)

         11.3.       Communication on Fisheries Subsidies - Communication from India (_WT/GC/W/946; _TN/RL/W/283)

         11.4.       Analyzing the Impact of the Chair's Proposed OCOF Disciplines under the Additional Provisions on Fisheries Subsidies on the Sustainability of Global Marine Fish Stocks – Communication from India (_WT/GC/W/945; _TN/RL/W/282)

         11.5.       Implementing Appropriate and Effective Special and Differential Treatment under the Additional Provisions on Fisheries Subsidies – Communication from India (_WT/GC/W/947; _TN/RL/W/284)

1.3  For information

12.   Work Programme on Electronic Commerce - Report by the Facilitator

13.   Committee on Budget, Finance and Administration – Report on Meeting of 3 June 2024 (_WT/BFA/220/Rev.1)

14.   Waivers Under Article IX of the WTO Agreement

        14.1. Review of Waivers Pursuant to Article IX:4 of the WTO Agreement

         14.1.1.   Least-Developed Country Members - Obligations under Article 70.8 and Article 70.9 of the TRIPS Agreement with respect to Pharmaceuticals Products, granted on 30 November 2015 until 1 January 2033 (_WT/L/971)

         14.1.2.   European Union - Application of Autonomous Preferential Treatment to the Western Balkans - Granted on 28 July 2021 until 31 December 2026 (WT/L/1114; _WT/L/1199)

         14.1.3.   Canada - CARIBCAN, granted on 9 May 2023 until 31 December 2033 (_WT/L/1166; _WT/L/1196 and _WT/L/1196/Add.1)

         14.1.4.   Ministerial Decision on the TRIPS Agreement (_WT/MIN(22)/30 ; _WT/L/1141)

         14.1.5.   Kimberley Process Certification Scheme for Rough Diamonds, granted on 26 July 2018 through 31 December 2024 (_WT/L/1039)

Other Business
