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Daily bulletin - Committee on Government Procurement : formal meeting and informal sessions, 20 march 2024








21 MARCH 2024                                                                                                       24/6



Government Procurement – formal meeting and informal sessions:

20 march 2024


Beginning at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, 20 March, the Parties and observers to the Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA 2012) held a formal meeting in hybrid mode.

1  formal meeting of the committee on government procurement

In the course of the formal meeting, the Committee:

1._    Took note of the proposed work plan of the candidate for chair (Mr Martin Zbinden, Switzerland) and appointed him as Chair for the period until the first meeting of the Committee in 2025.

2  informal sessions

Immediately after the above-noted formal meeting, a series of informal plurilateral sessions were held. The sessions dealt with:

1._    Matters related to the administration, implementation and operation of the Agreement:

a._    Japan, Ukraine, Australia, Singapore, Moldova and the United States updated the Committee on their recent notifications under the agenda item on notifications required under the GPA 2012.

b._    The Committee took note of statements by Canada, the European Union, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Norway and the United States on regulatory developments in the United States.

c._     The Committee received an update from the delegations organizing the Committee's second information-sharing workshop on how digital advances can support trade and competition in government procurement.

d._    As the Committee required more time before being able to adopt the draft decision concerning GPA documents to be circulated in the future, it was agreed that the Committee would work towards adopting the draft decision at its upcoming June 2024 meetings. The Committee also took note of the update provided by the Secretariat on the implementation of the Committee's decision adopted in November 2023 on the derestriction of historical GPA-related documents (_GPA/CD/5).

e._    The Committee was given a live demonstration of ongoing work by the Secretariat on the updated e-GPA Gateway.

2._    Accessions to the GPA 2012:

a._    Albania: Albania updated the Committee on how it is progressing with its written replies to the questions and comments received from Parties regarding Albania's replies to the Checklist of Issues. Albania is also preparing its initial market access offer and will submit it as soon as possible.

b._    China: China updated the Committee on its recent work on accession to the GPA 2012, such as improvements to the government procurement rules, optimization of the domestic business environment and a comprehensive pilot scheme in Shanghai for conducting government procurement procedures in accordance with government procurement rules of the GPA 2012 and the CPTPP.

c._    Costa Rica: Costa Rica explained its recently submitted initial market access offer and expressed its willingness to respond to Parties' questions and comments concerning the offer as well as its recently circulated replies to the Checklist of Issues.

d._    Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan: The Kyrgyz Republic updated the Committee on its recent circulation of further revised replies to the Checklist of Issues and the amended Law on Government Procurement. Parties expressed their wish to see continued efforts and engagement by the Kyrgyz Republic and Kazakhstan with the aim of moving forward and successfully concluding their accession negotiations. No delegation from Tajikistan was present.

3._    The Committee's agreed Work Programmes: The coordinators of the respective small groups reported to the Committee on progress in the Work Programmes on sustainable public procurement; the Work Programme on SMEs; and the collection and reporting of statistical data.

4._    The Chair reminded delegations that Wednesday, 12 June 2024, has been reserved for the second substantive meeting of 2024. The Chair also suggested to hold discussions on the e-Agenda at the Committee's June meetings and possibly reach an understanding that the Committee will use the e-Agenda on a regular basis going forward.